
lalsuite conda-forge version lalsuite conda-forge platforms

LALSuite is a large collection of gravitational-wave data analysis libraries, mainly written in C but with high-level bindings for Python.

The main LALSuite documentation can be found at

LALSuite is made up of a number of component libraries, some of which are utilised by GWpy to provide various extra capabilities.

The full LALsuite can be installed alongside GWpy using Conda (or Mamba) or pip:

conda install -c conda-forge lalsuite
python -m pip install lalsuite


lal conda-forge version lal conda-forge platforms

LAL is the base-level library in LALSuite that provides much of the core functionality. It’s documentation is at

GWpy provides utilities to transform to and from LAL objects (like the lal.REAL8TimeSeries) from/to their GWpy equivalent (e.g. gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries).

LAL can be installed using Conda (or Mamba) on Unix systems (not Windows):

Install python-lal with conda
conda install -c conda-forge python-lal


lalframe conda-forge version lalframe conda-forge platforms

LALFrame provides a GWF I/O library compatible with LAL series types. It’s documentation is at

GWpy utilises the Python bindings for LALFrame on Unix platforms (Linux and macOS) to provide GWF input/output capabilities.

This optional dependency can be installed using Conda (or Mamba) on Unix systems (not Windows):

Install python-lalframe with conda
conda install -c conda-forge python-lalframe