2. Filtered timeseriesΒΆ
This example shows the strain timeseries for the LIGO-Hanford detector around GW150914 filtered to emphasise the visibility of the known signal (see Filtering a TimeSeries to detect gravitational waves for more detail).
gwpy-plot timeseries \
--gwosc \
--ifo H1 \
--start 1126259458 \
--duration 8 \
--xmin 1126259462.1 \
--xmax 1126259462.6 \
--epoch 1126259462 \
--xscale seconds \
--lowpass 300 \
--highpass 50 \
--notch 60 120 \
--ylabel 'Strain amplitude' \
--geometry 1200x400 \
--suptitle 'LIGO-Hanford strain (filtered) around GW150914' \