Signal processing

In a wide-array of applications, the original data recorded from a digital system must be manipulated in order to extract the greatest amount of information. GWpy provides a suite of functions to simplify and extend the excellent digital signal processing suite in scipy.signal.

Fourier methods

The TimeSeries object comes with a number of Fourier methods to calculate a FrequencySeries or Spectrogram by calculating and averaging FFTs.

See FFT routines for GWpy for more details.

Time-domain filtering

The TimeSeries object comes with a number of instance methods that should make filtering data trivial for a number of common use cases. Available methods include:

TimeSeries.highpass Filter this TimeSeries with a high-pass filter.
TimeSeries.lowpass Filter this TimeSeries with a Butterworth low-pass filter.
TimeSeries.bandpass Filter this TimeSeries with a band-pass filter.
TimeSeries.zpk Filter this TimeSeries by applying a zero-pole-gain filter
TimeSeries.whiten White this TimeSeries against its own ASD
TimeSeries.filter Filter this TimeSeries with an IIR or FIR filter

Each of the above methods eventually calls out to TimeSeries.filter() to apply a digital linear filter, normally via cascaded second-order-sections (requires scipy >= 0.16).

For a worked example of how to filter LIGO data to discover a gravitational-wave signal, see the example Filtering a TimeSeries to detect gravitational waves.

Frequency-domain filtering

Additionally, the TimeSeries object includes a number of instance methods to generate frequency-domain information for some data. Available methods include:

TimeSeries.psd Calculate the PSD FrequencySeries for this TimeSeries
TimeSeries.asd Calculate the ASD FrequencySeries of this TimeSeries
TimeSeries.spectrogram Calculate the average power spectrogram of this TimeSeries using the specified average spectrum method.
TimeSeries.q_transform Scan a TimeSeries using a multi-Q transform
TimeSeries.rayleigh_spectrum Calculate the Rayleigh FrequencySeries for this TimeSeries.
TimeSeries.rayleigh_spectrogram Calculate the Rayleigh statistic spectrogram of this TimeSeries

For a worked example of how to load data and calculate the Amplitude Spectral Density FrequencySeries, see the example Calculating and plotting a FrequencySeries.

Filter design

The gwpy.signal provides a number of filter design methods which, when combined with the BodePlot visualisation, can be used to create a number of common filters:

lowpass Design a low-pass filter for the given cutoff frequency
highpass Design a high-pass filter for the given cutoff frequency
bandpass Design a band-pass filter for the given cutoff frequencies
notch Design a ZPK notch filter for the given frequency and sampling rate
concatenate_zpks Concatenate a list of zero-pole-gain (ZPK) filters

Each of these will return filter coefficients that can be passed directly into zpk (default for analogue filters) or filter (default for digital filters).

For a worked example of how to filter LIGO data to discover a gravitational-wave signal, see the example Filtering a TimeSeries to detect gravitational waves.

Cross-channel correlations:

TimeSeries.coherence Calculate the frequency-coherence between this TimeSeries and another.
TimeSeries.coherence_spectrogram Calculate the coherence spectrogram between this TimeSeries and other.

For a worked example of how to compare channels like this, see the example Calculating the coherence between two channels.


filter_design.bandpass(flow, fhigh, sample_rate, fstop=None, gpass=2, gstop=30, type='iir', **kwargs)[source]

Design a band-pass filter for the given cutoff frequencies


flow : float

lower corner frequency of pass band

fhigh : float

upper corner frequency of pass band

sample_rate : float

sampling rate of target data

fstop : tuple of float, optional

(low, high) edge-frequencies of stop band

gpass : float, optional, default: 2

the maximum loss in the passband (dB)

gstop : float, optional, default: 30

the minimum attenuation in the stopband (dB)

type : str, optional, default: 'iir'

the filter type, either 'iir' or 'fir'


other keyword arguments are passed directly to iirdesign() or firwin()



the formatted filter. the output format for an IIR filter depends on the input arguments, default is a tuple of (zeros, poles, gain)


By default a digital filter is returned, meaning the zeros and poles are given in the Z-domain in units of radians/sample.


To create a band-pass filter for 100-1000 Hz for 4096 Hz-sampled data:

>>> from gwpy.signal.filter_design import bandpass
>>> bp = bandpass(100, 1000, 4096)

To view the filter, you can use the BodePlot:

>>> from gwpy.plotter import BodePlot
>>> plot = BodePlot(bp, sample_rate=4096)


filter_design.lowpass(frequency, sample_rate, fstop=None, gpass=2, gstop=30, type='iir', **kwargs)[source]

Design a low-pass filter for the given cutoff frequency


frequency : float

corner frequency of low-pass filter (Hertz)

sample_rate : float

sampling rate of target data (Hertz)

fstop : float, optional

edge-frequency of stop-band (Hertz)

gpass : float, optional, default: 2

the maximum loss in the passband (dB)

gstop : float, optional, default: 30

the minimum attenuation in the stopband (dB)

type : str, optional, default: 'iir'

the filter type, either 'iir' or 'fir'


other keyword arguments are passed directly to iirdesign() or firwin()



the formatted filter. the output format for an IIR filter depends on the input arguments, default is a tuple of (zeros, poles, gain)


By default a digital filter is returned, meaning the zeros and poles are given in the Z-domain in units of radians/sample.


To create a low-pass filter at 1000 Hz for 4096 Hz-sampled data:

>>> from gwpy.signal.filter_design import lowpass
>>> lp = lowpass(1000, 4096)

To view the filter, you can use the BodePlot:

>>> from gwpy.plotter import BodePlot
>>> plot = BodePlot(lp, sample_rate=4096)


filter_design.highpass(frequency, sample_rate, fstop=None, gpass=2, gstop=30, type='iir', **kwargs)[source]

Design a high-pass filter for the given cutoff frequency


frequency : float

corner frequency of high-pass filter

sample_rate : float

sampling rate of target data

fstop : float, optional

edge-frequency of stop-band

gpass : float, optional, default: 2

the maximum loss in the passband (dB)

gstop : float, optional, default: 30

the minimum attenuation in the stopband (dB)

type : str, optional, default: 'iir'

the filter type, either 'iir' or 'fir'


other keyword arguments are passed directly to iirdesign() or firwin()



the formatted filter. the output format for an IIR filter depends on the input arguments, default is a tuple of (zeros, poles, gain)


By default a digital filter is returned, meaning the zeros and poles are given in the Z-domain in units of radians/sample.


To create a high-pass filter at 100 Hz for 4096 Hz-sampled data:

>>> from gwpy.signal.filter_design import highpass
>>> hp = highpass(100, 4096)

To view the filter, you can use the BodePlot:

>>> from gwpy.plotter import BodePlot
>>> plot = BodePlot(hp, sample_rate=4096)


filter_design.notch(frequency, sample_rate, type='iir', **kwargs)[source]

Design a ZPK notch filter for the given frequency and sampling rate


frequency : float, Quantity

frequency (default in Hertz) at which to apply the notch

sample_rate : float, Quantity

number of samples per second for TimeSeries to which this notch filter will be applied

type : str, optional, default: ‘iir’

type of filter to apply, currently only ‘iir’ is supported


other keyword arguments to pass to scipy.signal.iirdesign


zpk : tuple of complex or float

the filter components in digital zero-pole-gain format

See also

for details on the IIR filter design method


By default a digital filter is returned, meaning the zeros and poles are given in the Z-domain in units of radians/sample.


To create a low-pass filter at 1000 Hz for 4096 Hz-sampled data:

>>> from gwpy.signal.filter_design import notch
>>> n = notch(100, 4096)

To view the filter, you can use the BodePlot:

>>> from gwpy.plotter import BodePlot
>>> plot = BodePlot(n, sample_rate=4096)



Concatenate a list of zero-pole-gain (ZPK) filters



one or more zero-pole-gain format, each one should be a 3-tuple containing an array of zeros, an array of poles, and a gain float


zeros : numpy.ndarray

the concatenated array of zeros

poles : numpy.ndarray

the concatenated array of poles

gain : float

the overall gain


Create a lowpass and a highpass filter, and combine them:

>>> from gwpy.signal.filter_design import (
...     highpass, lowpass, concatenate_zpks)
>>> hp = highpass(100, 4096)
>>> lp = lowpass(1000, 4096)
>>> zpk = concatenate_zpks(hp, lp)

Plot the filter:

>>> from gwpy.plotter import BodePlot
>>> plot = BodePlot(zpk, sample_rate=4096)

