The Channel

>>> from gwpy.detector import Channel

What is a ‘channel’?

Each of the laser-interferometer gravitational-wave detectors record thousands of different data streams capturing a single instrumental error or control signal, or the output of an environmental sensor. These data streams are known as ‘channels’, and are named according to a convention that describes its source in the instrument, and the signal it records, for example:


describes the output signal (OUT) from photodiode-B (PDB) inside the Intensity Stabilisation System (ISS) of the Pre-Stabilised Laser (PSL) powering the L1 instrument, hosted at the LIGO Livingston Observatory. The DQ suffix indicates that this channel was recorded in data files for offline study (many more ‘test point’ channels are used only in real-time, and are never recorded).

A simple representation of this physical signal is provided by the Channel object:

>>> from gwpy.detector import Channel
>>> signal = Channel('L1:PSL-ISS_PDB_OUT_DQ')

This new Channel has a number of attributes that describe its source, derived from its name:

>>> print(hoft.ifo)
>>> print(hoft.system)
>>> print(hoft.subsystem)

and so on.

Alongside nomnitive attributes, each Channel has the following attributes:

name Name of this channel.
sample_rate Rate of samples (Hertz) for this channel.
unit Data unit for this channel.
dtype Numeric type for data in this channel.
url CIS browser url for this channel.
model Name of the SIMULINK front-end model that defines this channel.

Each of these can be manually passed to the Channel constructor, or downloaded directly from the LIGO Channel Information System.

The LIGO Channel Information System (

All of the LIGO interferometer data channels are recorded in the Channel Information System (, a queryable database containing the details of each channel recorded to disk from the observatories. The Channel.query() classmethod allows you to query the database as follows:

>>> from gwpy.detector import Channel
>>> chan = Channel.query('L1:IMC-F_OUT_DQ')
>>> print(chan.sample_rate)
16384.0 Hz
>>> print(chan.url)
>>> print(chan.model)

In this example we have accessed the information for the frequency noise output signal (F_OUT) from the Input Mode Cleaner (IMC) of the L1 instrument.

The ChannelList

Groups of channels may be collected together in a ChannelList, a simple extension of the built-in list with functionality for finding and sieveing for specific Channel names, sample-rates, or types.

Class reference

This reference contains the following class entries:

Channel Representation of a laser-interferometer data channel.
ChannelList A list of channels, with parsing utilities.
class gwpy.detector.Channel(name, sample_rate=None, unit=None, frequency_range=None, safe=None, type=None, dtype=None, frametype=None, model=None, url=None)[source]

Bases: object

Representation of a laser-interferometer data channel.


name : str, Channel

name of this Channel (or another Channel itself). If a Channel is given, all other parameters not set explicitly will be copied over.

sample_rate : float, Quantity, optional

number of samples per second

unit : Unit, str, optional

name of the unit for the data of this channel

frequency_range : tuple of float

[low, high) spectral frequency range of interest for this channel

safe : bool, optional

is this channel ‘safe’ to use as a witness of non-gravitational-wave noise in the interferometer

dtype : numpy.dtype, optional

numeric type of data for this channel

frametype : str, optional

LDAS name for frames that contain this channel

model : str, optional

name of the SIMULINK front-end model that produces this channel


The Channel structure implemented here is designed to match the data recorded in the LIGO Channel Information System ( for which a query interface is provided.

Attributes Summary

dtype Numeric type for data in this channel.
frametype LDAS type description for frame files containing this channel.
frequency_range Frequency range of interest (Hertz) for this channel
ifo Interferometer prefix for this channel.
model Name of the SIMULINK front-end model that defines this channel.
name Name of this channel.
ndsname Name of this channel as stored in the NDS database
ndstype NDS type integer for this channel.
safe Whether this channel is ‘safe’ to use as a noise witness
sample_rate Rate of samples (Hertz) for this channel.
signal Instrumental signal for this channel.
subsystem Instrumental sub-system for this channel.
system Instrumental system for this channel.
texname Name of this channel in LaTeX printable format.
trend Trend type for this channel.
type DAQ data type for this channel.
unit Data unit for this channel.
url CIS browser url for this channel.

Methods Summary

find_frametype([gpstime, frametype_match, ...]) Find the containing frametype(s) for this Channel
from_nds2(nds2channel) Generate a new channel using an existing object
parse_channel_name(name[, strict]) Decompose a channel name string into its components
query(name[, debug, timeout]) Query the LIGO Channel Information System for the Channel
query_nds2(*args, **kwargs) Query an NDS server for channel information

Attributes Documentation

MATCH = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object>

Numeric type for data in this channel.


LDAS type description for frame files containing this channel.


Frequency range of interest (Hertz) for this channel

Type:Quantity array

Interferometer prefix for this channel.


Name of the SIMULINK front-end model that defines this channel.


Name of this channel.

This should follow the naming convention, with the following format: ‘IFO:SYSTEM-SUBSYSTEM_SIGNAL’


Name of this channel as stored in the NDS database


NDS type integer for this channel.

This property is mapped to the Channel.type string.


Whether this channel is ‘safe’ to use as a noise witness

Any channel that records part or all of a GW signal as it interacts with the interferometer is not safe to use as a noise witness

A safe value of None simply indicates that the safety of this channel has not been determined

Type:bool or None

Rate of samples (Hertz) for this channel.


Instrumental signal for this channel.


Instrumental sub-system for this channel.


Instrumental system for this channel.


Name of this channel in LaTeX printable format.


Trend type for this channel.


DAQ data type for this channel.

Valid values for this field are restricted to those understood by the NDS2 client sofware, namely:

‘m-trend’, ‘online’, ‘raw’, ‘reduced’, ‘s-trend’, ‘static’, ‘test-pt’


Data unit for this channel.


CIS browser url for this channel.


Methods Documentation

find_frametype(gpstime=None, frametype_match=None, host=None, port=None, return_all=False, exclude_tape=False)[source]

Find the containing frametype(s) for this Channel


gpstime : int

a reference GPS time at which to search for frame files

frametype_match : str

a regular expression string to use to down-select from the list of all available frametypes

host : str

the name of the datafind server to use for frame file discovery

port : int

the port of the datafind server on the given host

return_all: `bool`, default: `False` :

return all matched frame types, otherwise only the first match is returned

exclude_tape : bool, default: False

do not search frame files that appear to be on magnetic tape


frametype : str, list

the first matching frametype containing the this channel (return_all=False, or a list of all matches

classmethod from_nds2(nds2channel)[source]

Generate a new channel using an existing object

classmethod parse_channel_name(name, strict=True)[source]

Decompose a channel name string into its components


name : str

name to parse

strict : bool, optional

require exact matching of format, with no surrounding text, default True


match : dict

dict of channel name components with the following keys:

  • 'ifo': the letter-number interferometer prefix
  • 'system': the top-level system name
  • 'subsystem': the second-level sub-system name
  • 'signal': the remaining underscore-delimited signal name
  • 'trend': the trend type
  • 'ndstype': the NDS2 channel suffix

Any optional keys that aren’t found will return a value of None


ValueError :

if the name cannot be parsed with at least an IFO and SYSTEM


>>> Channel.parse_channel_name('L1:LSC-DARM_IN1_DQ')
{'ifo': 'L1',
 'ndstype': None,
 'signal': 'IN1_DQ',
 'subsystem': 'DARM',
 'system': 'LSC',
 'trend': None}
>>> Channel.parse_channel_name(
{'ifo': 'H1',
 'ndstype': 'm-trend',
 'signal': 'ST1_SENSCOR_GND_STS_X_BLRMS_100M_300M',
 'subsystem': 'BS',
 'system': 'ISI',
 'trend': 'rms'}
classmethod query(name, debug=False, timeout=None)[source]

Query the LIGO Channel Information System for the Channel matching the given name


name : str

name of channel

debug : bool, optional

print verbose HTTP connection status for debugging, default: False

timeout : float, optional

maximum time to wait for a response from the CIS


Channel :

a new Channel containing all of the attributes set from its entry in the CIS

classmethod query_nds2(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Query an NDS server for channel information


name : str

name of requested channel

host : str, optional

name of NDS2 server.

port : int, optional

port number for NDS2 connection

connection : nds2.connection

open connection to use for query

type : str, int

NDS2 channel type with which to restrict query


channel : Channel

channel with metadata retrieved from NDS2 server


ValueError :

if multiple channels are found for a given name



A host is required if an open connection is not given

class gwpy.detector.ChannelList[source]

Bases: list

A list of channels, with parsing utilities.

Attributes Summary

ifos The set of interferometer prefixes used in this ChannelList.

Methods Summary

append L.append(object) – append object to end
extend L.extend(iterable) – extend list by appending elements from the iterable
find(name) Find the Channel with a specific name in this ChannelList.
index((value, [start, ...) Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
insert L.insert(index, object) – insert object before index
pop(...) Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.
query(name[, debug, timeout]) Query the LIGO Channel Information System a ChannelList.
query_nds2(*args, **kwargs) Query an NDS server for channel information
query_nds2_availability(*args, **kwargs) Query for when data are available for these channels in NDS2
read(*args, **kwargs) Read a ChannelList from a file
remove L.remove(value) – remove first occurrence of value.
reverse L.reverse() – reverse IN PLACE
sieve([name, sample_rate, sample_range, ...]) Find all Channels in this list matching the specified criteria.
sort L.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) – stable sort IN PLACE;
write(data, *args, **kwargs) Write out data

Attributes Documentation


The set of interferometer prefixes used in this ChannelList.

Methods Documentation


L.append(object) – append object to end

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

L.extend(iterable) – extend list by appending elements from the iterable


Find the Channel with a specific name in this ChannelList.


name : str

name of the Channel to find


index : int

the position of the first Channel in this ChannelList whose name matches the search key.


ValueError :

if no matching Channel is found.

classmethod from_names(*names)[source]
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


L.insert(index, object) – insert object before index

pop([index]) → item -- remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

classmethod query(name, debug=False, timeout=None)[source]

Query the LIGO Channel Information System a ChannelList.


name : str

name of channel, or part of it.

debug : bool, optional

print verbose HTTP connection status for debugging, default: False

timeout : float, optional

maximum time to wait for a response from the CIS


`ChannelList` :

a new list containing all Channels found.

classmethod query_nds2(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Query an NDS server for channel information


name : str

name of requested channel

host : str, optional

name of NDS2 server.

port : int, optional

port number for NDS2 connection

connection : nds2.connection

open connection to use for query

type : str, int

NDS2 channel type with which to restrict query

unique : bool, optional

require a unique query result for each name given, default False


channellist : ChannelList

list of Channels with metadata retrieved from NDS2 server


ValueError :

if multiple channels are found for a given name and unique=True is given



A host is required if an open connection is not given

classmethod query_nds2_availability(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Query for when data are available for these channels in NDS2


channels : list

list of Channel or str for which to search

start : int

GPS start time of search, or any acceptable input to to_gps()

end : int

GPS end time of search, or any acceptable input to to_gps()

host : str

name of NDS server

port : int, optional

port number for NDS connection


nested dict :

a dict of (channel, dict) pairs where the nested dict is over (frametype, SegmentList) segment-availability pairs

classmethod read(*args, **kwargs)

Read a ChannelList from a file


source : str, file

either an open file object, or a file name path to read


The available built-in formats are:

Format Read Write Auto-identify
ini Yes Yes Yes
omega-scan Yes No No

L.remove(value) – remove first occurrence of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


L.reverse() – reverse IN PLACE

sieve(name=None, sample_rate=None, sample_range=None, exact_match=False, **others)[source]

Find all Channels in this list matching the specified criteria.


name : str, or regular expression

any part of the channel name against which to match (or full name if exact_match=False is given)

sample_rate : float

rate (number of samples per second) to match exactly

sample_range : 2-tuple

[low, high] closed interval or rates to match within

exact_match : bool

return channels matching name exactly, default: False


new : ChannelList

a new ChannelList containing the matching channels


L.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) – stable sort IN PLACE; cmp(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1

write(data, *args, **kwargs)

Write out data

The arguments passed to this method depend on the format

The available built-in formats are:

Format Read Write Auto-identify
ini Yes Yes Yes
omega-scan Yes Yes No