6. Plotting segments for a StateVectorΒΆ

Confident detection of gravitational-wave signals is critically dependent on understanding the quality of the data searched. Alongside the strain h(t) data, The Gravitational-Wave Open Science Centre (GWOSC) also releases a Data Quality state vector. We can use this to check on the quality of the data from the LIGO Livingston detector around GW170817.

First, we can import the StateVector class:

from gwpy.timeseries import StateVector

and download the state information surrounding GW170817:

data = StateVector.fetch_open_data('L1', 1187008882-100, 1187008882+100,
                                   verbose=True, tag='C00')

Finally, we make a plot(), passing insetlabels=True to display the bit names inside the axes:

plot = data.plot(insetlabels=True)
ax = plot.gca()
ax.set_xscale('seconds', epoch=1187008882)
ax.axvline(1187008882, color='orange', linestyle='--')
ax.set_title('LIGO-Livingston data quality around GW170817')



This plot shows that for a short time exactly overlapping with GW170817 there was a data quality issue recorded that would negatively impact a search for generic gravitational-wave transients (bursts). For more details on this _glitch_, and on how it was excised, please see Abbott et al. 2017.