The StateTimeSeries and StateVector

>>> from gwpy.timeseries import (StateTimeSeries, StateVector)

A large quantity of important data from gravitational-wave detectors can be distilled into simple boolean (True or False) statements informing something about the state of the instrument at a given time. These statements can be used to identify times during which a particular control system was active, or when the signal in a seismometer was above an alarming threshold, for example. In GWpy, these data are represented by special cases (sub-classes) of the TimeSeries object:


Boolean array representing a good/bad state determination


Binary array representing good/bad state determinations of some data.

State time-series

The example of a threshold on signal time-series is the core of a large amount of low-level data quality information, used in searches for gravitational waves, and detector characterisation, and is described by the StateTimeSeries object, a specific type of TimeSeries containing only boolean values.

These arrays can be generated from simple arrays of booleans, as follows:

>>> from gwpy.timeseries import StateTimeSeries
>>> state = StateTimeSeries([True, True, False, False, False, True, False],
                            sample_rate=1, epoch=1064534416)
>>> state
<StateTimeSeries([ True,  True, False, False, False,  True, False], dtype=bool
                 epoch=<Time object: scale='tai' format='gps' value=1064534416.0>
                 sample_rate=<Quantity 1 Hz>)>

Alternatively, applying a standard mathematical comparison to a regular TimeSeries will return a StateTimeSeries:

>>> from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
>>> seisdata = TimeSeries.fetch('L1:HPI-BS_BLRMS_Z_3_10', 1064534416, 1064538016)
>>> seisdata.unit = 'nm/s'
>>> highseismic = seisdata > 400
>>> highseismic
<StateTimeSeries([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool
                 name='L1:HPI-BS_BLRMS_Z_3_10 > 400 nm / s'
                 unit=Unit("nm / s")
                 epoch=<Time object: scale='tai' format='gps' value=1064534416.0>
                 sample_rate=<Quantity 16.0 Hz>)>

The StateTimeSeries includes a handy StateTimeSeries.to_dqflag() method to convert the boolean array into a DataQualityFlag:

>>> segments = highseismic.to_dqflag(round=True)
>>> segments
<DataQualityFlag(valid=[[1064534416 ... 1064538016)],
                 active=[[1064535295 ... 1064535296)
                         [1064535896 ... 1064535897)
                         [1064536969 ... 1064536970)
                         [1064537086 ... 1064537088)
                         [1064537528 ... 1064537529)],
                 comment='L1:HPI-BS_BLRMS_Z_3_10 > 400 nm / s')>

Multi-bit state-vectors

Which the StateTimeSeries represents a single True/False statement about the state of a system, the StateVector gives a grouping of these, with a binary bitmask mapping bits in a binary word to descriptions of multiple states in a given compound system.

For example, the state of the full laser interferometer was described in Initial LIGO by a combination of separate states, including:

  • operator set to go to ‘science mode’

  • EPICS control system record (conlog) OK

  • instrument locked in all resonant cavities

  • no signal injections

  • no unauthorised excitations

Additionally, the higher bits 5-15 were set ‘ON’ at all times, such that the word 0xffff indicated ‘science mode’ operation of the instrument.

This StateVector can be read from the S6 frames as:

>>> from gwpy.timeseries import StateVector
>>> state = StateVector.get('H1:IFO-SV_STATE_VECTOR', 968631675, 968632275,
...                         ['science', 'conlog', 'up', 'no injection', 'no excitation'])
>>> print(state)
StateVector([65528 65528 65528 ..., 65535 65535 65535],
            sample_rate=16.0 Hz,
            bitmask=BitMask(0: science
                            1: conlog
                            2: up
                            3: no injection
                            4: no excitation,

As can be seen, the input bitmask (['science', 'conlog', 'up', 'no injection', 'no excitation']) is represented through the BitMask class, recording the bits as a list with some metdata about their purpose.

The StateVector fetched in the above example can then be parsed into a series of DataQualityFlag objects, recording the active segments for that bit in the vector:

>>> flags = state.to_dqflags(round=True)
>>> print(flags[0])
<DataQualityFlag(valid=[[968631675 ... 968632275)],
                 active=[[968632248 ... 968632275)],
                 comment='H1:IFO-SV_STATE_VECTOR bit 0')>


This reference contains the following Class entries:


Binary array representing good/bad state determinations of some data.


Boolean array representing a good/bad state determination


Ordered key-value mapping of named StateVector objects