(psd, snr=8, energy=0.01, fmin=100, fmax=500)[source]¶Calculate the integrated GRB-like GW burst range from a strain PSD
Parameters: | psd :
snr :
energy :
fmin :
fmax :
Returns: | range :
Grab some data for LIGO-Livingston around GW150914 and generate a PSD
>>> from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
>>> hoft = TimeSeries.fetch_open_data('H1', 1126259446, 1126259478)
>>> hoff = hoft.psd(fftlength=4)
Now we can calculate the burst_range()
>>> from gwpy.astro import burst_range
>>> r = burst_range(hoff, fmin=30)
>>> print(r)
42.5055584195 Mpc