State vectors

>>> from gwpy.timeseries import (StateTimeSeries, StateVector)

A large quantity of important data from gravitational-wave detectors can be distilled into simple boolean (True or False) statements informing something about the state of the instrument at a given time. These statements can be used to identify times during which a particular control system was active, or when the signal in a seismometer was above an alarming threshold, for example. In GWpy, these data are represented by special cases (sub-classes) of the TimeSeries object:


Boolean array representing a good/bad state determination.


Binary array representing good/bad state determinations of some data.

The StateTimeSeries

The example of a threshold on signal time-series is the core of a large amount of low-level data quality information, used in searches for gravitational waves, and detector characterisation, and is described by the StateTimeSeries object, a specific type of TimeSeries containing only boolean values.

These arrays can be generated from simple arrays of booleans, as follows:

>>> from gwpy.timeseries import StateTimeSeries
>>> state = StateTimeSeries(
...     [True, True, False, False, False, True, False],
...     sample_rate=1,
...     epoch=1064534416,
... )
>>> print(state)
StateTimeSeries([ True,  True, False, False, False,  True, False]
                unit: dimensionless,
                t0: 1064534416.0 s,
                dt: 1.0 s,
                name: None,
                channel: None)

Alternatively, applying a standard mathematical comparison to a regular TimeSeries will return a StateTimeSeries:

>>> from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
>>> laserpower = TimeSeries.get(
...     "H1:IMC-PWR_IN_OUT_DQ",
...     1186741850,
...     1186741870,
...     host="",
... )
>>> threshold = 29.2 > laserpower.unit
>>> above_29_2 = laserpower > threshold
>>> print(above_2915)
StateTimeSeries([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]
                unit: dimensionless,
                t0: 1186741850.0 s,
                dt: 0.00048828125 s,
                name: H1:IMC-PWR_IN_OUT_DQ > 29.2 NONE,
                channel: H1:IMC-PWR_IN_OUT_DQ)

The StateTimeSeries includes a handy StateTimeSeries.to_dqflag() method to convert the boolean array into a DataQualityFlag, where the active segments represent times of True values:

>>> segments = above_29_2.to_dqflag(round=True)
>>> print(segments)
<DataQualityFlag('H1:IMC-PWR_IN_OUT_DQ > 29.2 NONE',
                 known=[[1186741850.0 ... 1186741870.0)]
                 active=[[1186741854.0 ... 1186741856.0)
                         [1186741859.0 ... 1186741861.0)
                         [1186741865.0 ... 1186741867.0)]


Here we included the keyword round=True to pad out active segments to be at least one second long. The usage in this example is purely demonstrative, but is used regularly when constructing data quality flags for excising bad data from analyses, mainly because integer segments are easier to deal with.

Multi-bit state-vectors

While the StateTimeSeries represents a single True/False statement about the state of a system, the StateVector gives a grouping of these, representing a bit array where each bit represents a single True/False (on/off) binary state in a system. This provides a compact representation of a complex system, with utility methods to transform and visualise the myriad states.

Each GWOSC data release includes a bit vector that describes the data-quality states of the detector.

GWOSC data usage notes

Refer to the GWOSC data usage notes page for details of the various bits (states) in the state vectors.

To demonstrate, we can download the StateVector associated with GW200105, the first detection of a mixed black hole/neutron star binary system:

>>> from gwosc.datasets import event_gps
>>> from gwpy.timeseries import StateVector
>>> gps = event_gps("GW200105_162426")
>>> start = int(gps) - 1000
>>> end = int(gps) + 1000
>>> gw200105_state = StateVector.fetch_open_data("L1", start, end)
>>> print(gw200105_state)
StateVector([127, 127, 127, ..., 127, 127, 127]
            unit: dimensionless,
            t0: 1262275684.0 s,
            dt: 1.0 s,
            name: Data quality,
            channel: None,
            bits: Bits(0: Passes DATA test
                        1: Passes CBC_CAT1 test
                        2: Passes CBC_CAT2 test
                        3: Passes CBC_CAT3 test
                        4: Passes BURST_CAT1 test
                        5: Passes BURST_CAT2 test
                        6: Passes BURST_CAT3 test,

As can be seen, the list of bits is represented through the BitMask class, recording the bits as a list with some metadata about their purpose.

The StateVector fetched in the above example can then be parsed into a series of DataQualityFlag objects, recording the active segments for that bit in the vector:

>>> flags = gw200105_state.to_dqflags()
>>> print(flags["Passes BURST_CAT3 test"])
<DataQualityFlag('Passes BURST_CAT3 test',
                 known=[[1262275684.0 ... 1262277684.0)]
                 active=[[1262275684.0 ... 1262276525.0)
                         [1262276527.0 ... 1262277684.0)]

Here we can see that there are two active segments for the Passes BURST_CAT3 test bit, indicating that there is a short interval (2 seconds in this case) where the BURST_CAT3 data quality check failed.

Plotting a StateVector

A StateVector can be trivially plotted in two ways, specified by the format keyword argument of the plot() method:

Keyword arguments for StateVector.plot




A bit-wise representation of each bit in the vector (default)


A standard time-series representation

For example,

>>> plot = gw200105_state.plot(insetlabels=True)



In this figure the black vertical lines (actually very dark green) show visually the short interval where both the BURST_CAT2 and BURST_CAT3 data-quality checks failed, just over 2 minutes prior to the GW200102 event detection.

Bit labelling

For a format='segments' display, the bits attribute of the StateVector is used to identify and label each of the binary bits in the vector.


The insetlabels=True keyword was given to display the bit labels inside the axes (otherwise they would be cut off the side of the figure).

Associated classes

Alongside the StateVector class, gwpy.timeseries provides a StateVectorDict for handling collections of bit-vector data (mainly to enable reading and writing multiple StateVector in one operation).


The above documentation references the following objects:


Binary array representing good/bad state determinations of some data.


Boolean array representing a good/bad state determination.


Ordered key-value mapping of named StateVector objects.