.. sectionauthor:: Duncan Macleod .. currentmodule:: gwpy.timeseries Plotting public LIGO data ######################### I would like to study the gravitational wave strain time-series around the time of an interesting simulated signal during the last science run (S6). These data are public, so we can load them directly from the web. The `TimeSeries` object has a `classmethod` dedicated to fetching open-access data hosted by the LIGO Open Science Center, so we can just import that object .. code-block:: python from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries then call the `~TimeSeries.fetch_open_data` method, passing it the prefix for the interferometer we want ('L1'), and the GPS start and stop times of our query: .. code-block:: python data = TimeSeries.fetch_open_data('L1', 968654552, 968654562) and then we can make a plot: .. code-block:: python plot = data.plot() plot.set_title('LIGO Livingston Observatory data for GW100916') plot.set_ylabel('Gravitational-wave strain amplitude') plot.show() .. plot:: ../examples/timeseries/public.py