.. sectionauthor:: Duncan Macleod .. currentmodule:: gwpy.spectrogram Plotting a `Spectrogram` of the Rayleigh statistic ################################################## I would like to study the gravitational wave strain spectrogram around the time of an interesting simulated signal during the last science run (S6). First, we import the :class:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` and :meth:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.get` the data: .. code-block:: python from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries gwdata = TimeSeries.get( 'H1:LDAS-STRAIN,rds', 'September 16 2010 06:40', 'September 16 2010 06:50') Next, we can calculate a Rayleigh statistic `Spectrogram` using the :meth:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.rayleigh_spectrogram` method of the # `~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` and a 5-second stride with a 2-second FFT and 1-second overlap (50%): .. code-block:: python rayleigh = gwdata.rayleigh_spectrogram(5, fftlength=2, overlap=1) and can make a plot using the :meth:`~Spectrogram.plot` method .. code-block:: python plot = rayleigh.plot(norm='log', vmin=0.25, vmax=4) plot.set_yscale('log') plot.set_ylim(40, 4000) plot.add_colorbar(label=r'Rayleigh statistic') plot.show() .. plot:: ../examples/spectrogram/rayleigh.py