.. _gwpy-dev-release:
Publishing a release
This page describes the steps required to author a release of GWpy.
* gwpy uses the
`stable mainline `_
branching model for releases
* all release numbers must follow `Semantic Versioning 2 `_ and
include major, minor, and patch numbers, e.g. ``X.Y.Z`` rather than
``1.0`` or just ``1``
#. **If this is a bug-fix release, just check out that branch**:
.. code-block:: bash
git checkout release/X.Y.x
#. **Update the copyright**:
.. code-block:: bash
python -c "from setup_utils import update_all_copyright; update_all_copyright()"
git commit -S -m "Updated copyright for release" .
#. **Publish the release**, allowing CI to run, and others to see it:
.. code-block:: bash
git push -u origin main
for major/minor releases, or
.. code-block:: bash
git push -u origin release/X.Y.x
for bug-fix releases
#. **Wait patiently for the continuous integration to finish**
#. **Announce the release** and ask for final contributions
#. **Tag the release**:
.. code-block:: bash
git tag --sign vX.Y.Z
#. **Create a maintenance branch** (major/minor releases only):
.. code-block:: bash
git branch release/X.Y.x
#. **Publish everything**:
.. code-block:: bash
# push maintenance branch
git push --signed=if-asked origin release/X.Y.x
# push main branch
git push --signed=if-asked origin main
# push new tag
git push --signed=if-asked origin vX.Y.Z
#. **Draft a release on GitHub**
* Go to https://github.com/gwpy/gwpy/releases/new
* Use ``vX.Y.Z`` as the *Tag version*
* Use X.Y.Z as the *Release title*
* Copy the tag message into the text box to serve as release notes
#. **Publish the release documentation**
This is done from the LDAS computing centre at Caltech:
.. code-block:: bash
cd /home/duncan.macleod/gwpy-nightly-build/
bash release-build.sh X.Y.Z
Once that is complete (~20 minutes), a few manual updates must be made:
.. code-block:: bash
cd /home/duncan.macleod/gwpy-nightly-build/gwpy.github.io/docs
unlink stable && ln -s X.Y.Z stable
sed -i 's/0.9.9/X.Y.Z/g' index.html
The final command should be modified to replace the previous release ID
with the current one.
.. code-block:: bash
git commit --gpg-sign --message="X.Y.Z: release docs"
git push --signed=if-asked # <- this step needs an SSH key
It should take ~5 minutes for the release documentation to actually
appear on https://gwpy.github.io/docs/
Linked updates
Creating a new release on GitHub will automatically trigger a new DOI on
Distributing the new release package
Package distributions for PyPI, Conda, Debian, and RHEL are done manually:
To create a new release on PyPI:
.. code-block:: bash
rm -rf dist/
git checkout vX.Y.Z
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
gpg --armor --detach-sign dist/gwpy-*.tar.gz
twine upload dist/gwpy-*
Once the PyPI upload has completed, the conda-forge bot will automatically
open a pull request to `conda-forge/gwpy-feedstock
Just double-check that the dependencies and tests are up-to-date, then
* Upload the source tarball to software.ligo.org
* Open a new request to `sccb/requests `_
to announce the new release and request package build and deployment.