.. currentmodule:: gwpy.timeseries .. _gwpy-timeseries-opendata: ############################## Accessing Open Data from GWOSC ############################## ****************************************** The Gravitational-Wave Open Science Center ****************************************** |GWOSCl|_ provides strain data from gravitational-wave observatories for public use, including small datasets around each GW event detection, and bulk datasets covering entire observing epochs. .. note:: For full details of the available data, please see https://www.gw-openscience.org/data/ .. _gwpy-timeseries-fetchopendata: ********************************** :meth:`TimeSeries.fetch_open_data` ********************************** GWpy provides the :meth:`TimeSeries.fetch_open_data` method as an interface to the GWOSC data archive, requiring users to provide a minimum of information in order to access data. For example, to fetch 30 seconds of strain data around the first ever gravitational-wave detection (|GW150914|_), you need to give the prefix of the relevant observatory (``'H1'`` for the LIGO Hanford Observatory, ``'L1'`` for LIGO Livingston), and the start and end times of your query. We can use the |gwosc-mod|_ Python package to query GWOSC itself for the right central GPS time: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: :nofigs: >>> from gwosc.datasets import event_gps >>> gps = event_gps("GW150914") >>> start = int(gps) - 15 >>> end = int(gps) + 15 Then we can call :meth:`TimeSeries.fetch_open_data` to download the calibrated GW strain data in that interval: .. plot:: :include-source: :context: >>> from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries >>> data = TimeSeries.fetch_open_data('L1', start, end) We can then trivially plot these data: .. plot:: :include-source: :context: >>> plot = data.plot() >>> plot.show() .. admonition:: Plotting a `TimeSeries` For more details on plotting a `TimeSeries`, see :ref:`gwpy-timeseries-plot`. .. note:: :meth:`TimeSeries.fetch_open_data` keywords For more details on all of the available keyword options, see the documentation of :meth:`TimeSeries.fetch_open_data`. ************************************************************ Accessing data from the Auxiliary Channel Three-hour Release ************************************************************ |GWOSC|_ has also published a data set containing instrumental sensor data in a three-hour window around |GW170814|_. These data cannot be loaded using :meth:`TimeSeries.fetch_open_data`, but can be loaded using :meth:`TimeSeries.get` (or :meth:`TimeSeriesDict.get`), by specifying `host="losc-nds.ligo.org"`. For more details, see :ref:`gwpy-timeseries-get`.