.. currentmodule:: gwpy.table .. _gwpy-table: ########### Data tables ########### Significant events discovered in data from gravitational-wave observatories are stored in tabular datasets, typically describing astrophysical events, or noise transients (glitches). ======================= The :class:`EventTable` ======================= GWpy extends the (excellent) :class:`~astropy.table.Table` from `astropy` by providing the :class:`EventTable`. This object extends the functionality of the regular :class:`~astropy.table.Table` with enhanced I/O to support gravitational-wave data, and utilities for processing and plotting tables of events that contain GPS timestamps. See the :any:`astropy-table` documentation for examples of how to create custom tables, and much more. The only thing to change if you want to use the `EventTable` instead of the basic `Table` is the import: .. code-block:: python :caption: Importing the `EventTable` :name: gwpy-table-import >>> from gwpy.table import EventTable ====================== Reading/writing tables ====================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 io ============ Using tables ============ .. toctree:: :titlesonly: filter rate =============== Plotting tables =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 plot histogram =============== Class reference =============== The above documentation references the following objects: .. autosummary:: :toctree: ../api/ :nosignatures: EventTable