.. currentmodule:: gwpy.table .. _gwpy-table-histogram: ##################### Data table histograms ##################### The `EventTable` object comes with a :meth:`~EventTable.hist` method, allowing trivial generation of histograms using any column as the counter: .. automethod:: EventTable.hist :noindex: Using the above method we can generate a histogram as follows .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from gwpy.table import EventTable >>> events = EventTable.read('H1-LDAS_STRAIN-968654552-10.xml.gz', tablename='sngl_burst', columns=['snr']) >>> plot = events.hist('snr', weights=1/10., logbins=True, bins=50, histtype='stepfilled') >>> ax = plot.gca() >>> ax.set_xlabel('Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)') >>> ax.set_ylabel('Rate [Hz]') >>> ax.set_title('LHO event triggers for HW100916') >>> ax.autoscale(axis='x', tight=True) >>> plot.show() This is a snippet from the example :ref:`gwpy-example-table-histogram`.