.. currentmodule:: gwpy.plot .. _gwpy-plot-bode: ####################################### Visualising filters (:class:`BodePlot`) ####################################### Any time-domain or Fourier-domain filters can be visualised using the Bode plot, showing the magnitude (in decibels) and phase (in degrees) response of a linear time-invariant filter. The `BodePlot` allows for simple display of these responses for any filter, for example a 40-1000 Hertz band-pass filter: .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from gwpy.signal.filter_design import bandpass >>> from gwpy.plot import BodePlot >>> zpk = bandpass(40, 1000, 4096, analog=False) >>> plot = BodePlot(zpk, analog=False, sample_rate=4096, title='40-1000 Hz bandpass filter') >>> plot.show() |