.. _gwpy-install: ############ Installation ############ =============== Installing GWpy =============== .. _gwpy-install-conda: ----- Conda ----- The recommended way of installing GWpy is with `Conda `__: .. code-block:: bash conda install -c conda-forge gwpy .. _gwpy-install-pip: --- Pip --- .. code-block:: bash python -m pip install gwpy Supported python versions: 3.6+. ============ Requirements ============ GWpy has the following strict requirements: .. table:: Requirements for GWpy :align: left :name: requirements-table ================== =========================== Name Constraints ================== =========================== |astropy|_ ``>=3.0.0`` |dqsegdb2|_ |gwdatafind|_ |gwosc-mod|_ ``>=0.5.3`` |h5py|_ ``>=2.7.0`` |ligo-segments|_ ``>=1.0.0`` |ligotimegps|_ ``>=1.2.1`` |matplotlib|_ ``>=3.1.0`` |numpy|_ ``>=1.12.0`` |dateutil|_ |scipy|_ ``>=1.2.0`` |tqdm|_ ``>=4.10.0`` ================== =========================== All of these will be installed using any of the above install methods. GWpy also depends on the following other packages for optional features: - :mod:`glue.ligolw`: to read/write :class:`~gwpy.table.EventTable` with LIGO_LW XML format (see :ref:`gwpy-table-io-ligolw`) - |LDAStools.frameCPP|_: to read/write data in GWF format - |nds2|_: to provide remote data access for `TimeSeries` (see :ref:`gwpy-timeseries-remote`) - |uproot|_: to read/write :class:`~gwpy.table.EventTable` with ROOT format (see :ref:`gwpy-table-io-root`)