.. include: .. ******************************* Command line plotting with GWpy ******************************* The `gwpy-plot` command-line script provides a terminal-based user interface to querying data and generating images. Functionality for this tool is primarily inspired by LigoDV-web (LDVW, https://ldvw.ligo.caltech.edu), a web tool for viewing LIGO data, available to members of the joint LIGO-Virgo collaboration. LDVW, written in Java, uses the `gwpy-plot` command-line script provided by GWpy to generate the plots based on web-form input from the user. The basic usage for `gwpy-plot` is as follows: .. code-block:: sh gwpy-plot --chan --start [OPTIONS] Where ```` is the type of plot to make. You can run ``gwpy-plot --help`` to list the plot types ('actions') you can use: .. command-output:: gwpy-plot --help To see the arguments and options for a given action, you can run, for example, ``gwpy-plot timeseries --help``: .. command-output:: gwpy-plot timeseries --help The options for each action vary but many are common. ===================== Specifying input data ===================== .. currentmodule:: gwpy.timeseries The following table summarises the allowed number of inputs for each action +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Action | Number of channels | Number of times | +===================+====================+=================+ | ``timeseries`` | >=1 | >=1 | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | ``spectrum`` | >=1 | >=1 | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | ``coherence`` | >=2 | >=1 | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | ``spectrogram`` | 1 | 1 | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | ``coherencegram`` | 2 | 1 | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | ``qtransform`` | 1 | 1 | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ By default all data are retrieved using :meth:`TimeSeriesDict.get`, which uses |nds2|_ for data access, but the ``--framcache`` option allows you to pass your own data via a LAL-format cache file. Interactive mode ================= The ``--interactive`` argument uses :mod:`~matplotlib.pyplot` to display the image and allow interactive manipulations, (zoom, pan, etc). Examples ======== .. examples.rst index is dynamically generated .. include:: examples/examples.rst .. add a hidden toctree to stop sphinx complaining .. that the examples RST files aren't included in a toctree .. when they clearly are .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: examples/*